Evenementen in Leeuwarden

Our events - are unforgettable

Events in Leeuwarden; from multi-day festivals to special theatre spectacles. There is plenty to do, for young and old. In Leeuwarden you experience special events. For example, this year the entire city lit up in the autumn and winter months with the arrival of Luna Light Festival, Explore the North and of course the Northern Film Festival. And in the summer? Then we danced until the late (or early) hours during Welcome to the Village, Psy-Fi, Into the Grave and Cityproms. Today, there's still loads of events for all you theatre and film lovers, cultural explorers and party animals.

Events in Leeuwarden are special and unforgettable. For locals, day trippers and city trippers. But don't forget to plan your visit. Where are you spending the night? And where would you like to catch your breath between all the events? In addition to events, Leeuwarden is also full of hidden streets, perfect for a bit of shopping. Wander through the historic city center or join one of the cool tours through the city. Visit the Natuurmuseum Fryslân, where you will go from one 'wow' to the next 'wow' during the OnderWaterSafari. Go crazy, wonder, dance and experience. Discover the events in Leeuwarden.


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