"Melancholy in motion" Spring concert Royal Toonkunstkoor Concordia conducted by Tjalling Wijnstra
Saturday 12 April
The varied programme consists of two modern choral works and an instrumental intermezzo.
Eternal Light - Howard Goodall
Intermezzo - Preludio - Villa Lobos
Misatango - Martín Palmeri
Eternal Light is a contemporary requiem in which peace, comfort and lightness play a major role. Goodall uses, in addition to old Latin texts, English poetry to shed new light on the age-old requiem concept.
The result is a beautiful requiem for the living, a comfort for those who remain behind.
Misatango by Palmeri has the form of a mass in Latin. The music is a combination of two styles: the tango and choral music. The accordion plays a prominent role in the expressive instrumental passages.
This compelling music shows how melancholy and movement come together in harmony and passion!
Tickets €22.50 via www.concordialeeuwarden.nl or at the church. Youth up to 25 years old €11.00