Leeuwarden walking guide



Walking guide to Leeuwarden city centre in English, German, French and Dutch

Leeuwarden, the capital of Friesland, was built in 1435 from the amalgamation of the three mound villages: Oldehove, Nijehove and Hoek and was granted city rights in the same year. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Leeuwarden gained prestige when the Frisian Nassaus as stadholders established their residence there. They lived there in the Stadhourdelijke Hof until 1747. It was also the time when the Frisian nobility rose and settled in the city's poshest streets, which flourished. Beautiful buildings like the Chancellery, the Waag, the Stadhouderlijk Hof and the leaning tower of Oldehove still bear witness to this. With 617 national monuments, Leeuwarden is in the top 15 of Dutch monument municipalities. On your walk, you will be able to admire several dozen of them.