Fryske skatten yn it grien Stinzenflora en states in Fryslân (Frisian treasures in green)


until 30 December

It is a beautiful spring scene: the Stinzen areas that are full of flowering Stinzen plants. A true color explosion! A new exhibition at Tresoar.

The Frisian states (stone houses) and the Stinzen flora are inextricably linked. During your visit to our new exhibition 'Fryske skatten yn it grien' (Frisian treasures in green), discover all about the special relationship between both phenomena. The exhibition can be viewed in Tresoar from 2020 to 2024 and is a collaboration between Fryske Gea, Martena State Foundation and Tresoar. 'Fryske skatten yn it grien' forms the basis for a series of lectures and partial exhibitions on the theme of states and stinzenflora.

It isn't necessary to make a reservation to gain entrance to the exhibition. We do ask you to report to the counter due to the stricter corona measures. Admission is free and possible during our business hours.